Between 6-9pm on Saturday 27th October 2018, the St Bride Foundation will be hosting a screening of Pressing On: The Letterpress Film followed by a panel discussion chaired by Catherine Dixon with Mick Clayton, Liz Fraser, Simon Goode, Julieta H. Adame, Thomas Mayo and David Vassie.
Address: St Bride Foundation, 14 Bride Lane, London EC4Y 8EQ
I have just returned from the sixth Letterpress Workers international summit, organised and hosted by Officina Novepunti. Located at Leoncavallo, Milan, between the 28th June to 2nd July, the event was attended by international letterpress designers and printers, with many European countries represented and participants from as far afield as Brazil and the United States.
A large selection of printing presses and collection of wood type were assembled to be used by the attendees to create letterpress prints in editions of 50 copies on the topical subject of ‘Resistance’.
I designed this poster to take along to the Letterpress Workers International Summit, hosted in Milan at the beginning of July 2017. The theme of Letterpress Workers this year was ‘Resistance’ and I printed this poster from a variety of materials – vintage wood type, custom-made perspex geometric blocks and P22-Blox. The posters were printed in three colours on a 1950s proofing press onto 100gsm recycled paper stock.